Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome Jack

Jacks Journey begins on August 1, 2008 at 10:05. Technically it started last year in December of 2007 when we found out we were pregnant. It was such a blessing to find out, since it had taken us quite awhile to conceive our bundle of joy. Check out our pregnancy website to see our journey since 2007.

I arrived at the hospital at 2:00 pm on Thursday July 31st, and was not admitted until 4:00 pm that afternoon. We were told to walk the halls to get things "started". Because my water had ruptured so early in the morning, they decided to give me pitocin to start my contractions. It seemed like a long wait. My "real" contractions didn't begin until 11:00 pm that evening. I powered through some tough contractions, but felt in the end to receive the happy medicine. I was able to sleep from 2 am till 6 am that morning. At that point in time the medicine was beginning to wear off, and they gave me a little more. At 9:30, Jack was ready to enter the world. I began pushing without Ryan there since he was out eating breakfast with his Dad. (they figured it would be another couple of hours). Luckily Ryan arrived 10 minutes later and he was able to see his beautiful son enter this world at 10:05 am. We delieved at Kaiser Vallejo. We had such a good experience and care by all the nurses and doctors, that perhaps there will be another Shaw on the drawing board in the near future.

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