Friday, July 31, 2009


Several weeks ago we took a field trip to a place in Napa called Scientopia. It was a neat little place for kids to learn about how things work, and a great place for little toddlers to play. I caught some pictures of Jack in action. do I get down?

Do you think I can get a set of these for my birthday?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My new place to play

The look he gave me when I asked him what he was doing!

I'm just reading my book mom, what's the big deal?

splash splash baby

Jack loves the water. Everytime he goes in he becomes more brave. This time at his friend's birthday party, he decided to put his face in. Of course mommy was a little startled, but he came up all smiles.

splashin around
look at me no hands

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

our little gardener

Jack has this new thing for water. He loves to play in it, drink it and water the plants and the grass. The other day when I was planting, he found the hose and sat there laughing and giggling.

This kid was soaking wet.

Drinking out of the hose.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pots and Pans

Jack has found that he loves to be in the kitchen with us, while we are getting things prepared for dinner. He loves looking through the cabinets, opening the frigerator, playing in Ginger's water bowl, and banging on pots and pans.

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July

Jack had the opportunity to be in the 4th of July parade. Boy did he have a good time.

Our patriotic boy, waving the flag for his country. This was at home pre-parade festivities.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Discovery Bay Museum

We headed out on a field trip to the Discovery Bay Museum in Sausalito. It was such a wonderful time because Jack got to hang out with his buddies from stepping stones.

Ryan and Jack with the beautiful Golden Gate in the background.

Playing in the water, his new favorite thing to do.

our little tadpole on his lily pad

family pic

Brown Bear????

As we all know, one of Jack's favorite books is Brown Bear. I caught him on film actually saying those words. Check it out for yourself.

Our kid is definitely a ham!